
EGSO is the English Graduate Student Organization here at Eastern Illinois University.

As a graduate student enrolled in the university, you are automatically a member of this organization. We realize that not all graduate students are the same: each of us have different academic interests and priorities. That is why we, your EGSO officers,  wanted to remind you of the multiple ways EGSO can help you reach your goals. 

What Can EGSO Do For You?

1. Conference information
- We update you on the latest info on upcoming conferences and opportunities to submit papers for panel or individual presentation. 

2. Travel Awards
- With money raised during our fundraising events, we are able to award  scholarships to people who wish to present their papers or even just attend conferences in their fields of interest. 

3. Professional Development
- With your help and suggestions, we can invite speakers and organize workshops that address pertinent issues among English graduate students. For instance, we are planning on holding a workshop on building an effective CV and finding jobs outside the teaching/academia fields. 

4. Socials/ Networking
- We want to help make graduate school as enjoyable as it could be for everyone. We provide refreshments and entertainment to all out social events where you can meet people who share your interests and can give you valuable advice about classes, requirements, etc. 

5. A Voice on Campus
- Do you have problems with requirements? student parking? campus rules and regulations? EGSO meets regularly with GSAC-- the Graduate Student Advisory Council-- who represents the graduate student population on campus. Bring your concerns to us, and we can forward them to the proper channels. 

6. Student/Teacher Relations
- If you have concerns regarding your classes, be they teacher-related or course-related, EGSO can help voice your problems to GSC (the Graduate Studies Committee).